Two billion people in the world
live in conflict areas today.¹
That’s a quarter of the world’s population. That’s more than 450 million children worldwide—or 1 in 6.² Either as a cause or a consequence of conflicts, wherever we live, we are all witnessing a rising tide of racism, xenophobia and intolerance in a multitude of forms, hindering peace and progress for several hundred million people around the world.
Challenges to world peace are huge. We believe in the power of art in inspiring world change.
Art to awaken consciences
Art to transform society
Art to change the perception about the world, cultures and the difference
Art to encourage exchanges and dialogues
Art to awaken consciences
Art to transform society
Art to change the perception about the world, cultures and the difference
Art to encourage exchanges and dialogues
Fenn Films is a registered (W 751 206 105) non-profit organization based in France. We are proud of this and you should be too.
As a non-profit, we are able to focus more resources and financial investment into our program initiatives and the activities that make a difference.
This allows us to give our team, donors and supporters the clearest picture of why we exist: to create lasting impact between communities and people around the world. We all work together to build peace between them.
The 100% Original Model
Since the earliest stages of Fenn Films, we have sought to make our intentions and our mission extremely clear. We exist to inspire and build peace between human beings around the world. Everything we do is a function of accomplishing this goal.
And we are even more excited about how we are doing it differently : through our movies and art!
Our original model means 100% of all public donations and all profits from our art go straight to fund our projects for peace that we realize alone or in partnership with trusted non-profit organizations that share our vision.

We prove every project
We track every coin from your donations and our profits, and show the projects you helped fund with photos and GPS coordinates.

We’re an open book
Our innovative model, by its very nature, makes transparency one of our core values.

100% goes to peace
100% of all public donations and all profits from our art fund projects for peace around the world.

Upcoming Projects for Peace
under development
Besides our art, we are working actively to develop our first projects
for peace, and we’ll update you when we launch them.

Upcoming Projects for Peace under development
Besides our art, we are working actively to develop our first projects for peace, and we’ll update you when we launch them.