Dear Friends and Supporters,

The other road would have been so easier and much more comfortable. But what started with a choice become further a responsibility.

The entire road didn’t go as planned to say the least.

Since the very first idea of Fenn Films, many years ago, we’ve been through so many obstacles, disappointments, failures, sacrifices, hard times, lonely moments, and sufferings of all kinds.

But we are still here because we’ve never lost the faith. It has always been here at every single moment. Day after day, month after month, year after year, we’ve assumed all of this was part of the path, and because of that, we were already making a difference!

Already eight years has gone by since I made an appeal to support the “8 Angry Women” film documentary project through a crowdfunding campaign (see the video above). Unfortunately, because of our lack of resources, we haven’t been able to promote our campaign and give it the exposure it needed.

So much time, so much work, so much heart we have put into the preparation of this campaign. That was a huge disappointment.

A couple of years ago, seeing and feeling how much I was suffering for Fenn Films, my little brother who was 17 years old told me : “I know all the work and the sacrifices you made for Fenn Films. I know it is a lot of work, and one day with the help of God, you will succeed. You know what I do think about all of this. You know it very well. It is a big hardship. And the day you will succeed, you will see that it was all worth it. Believe me, if it needs to take another 5 years, don’t give up!”.

I just can’t believe that I was younger than him when it all started, when this dream was born, when I took my first steps on this road. The hard lesson of patience and perseverance.

Today, we hope it is finally our time. We have worked hard on the “8 Angry Women” film documentary and improved many aspects of the project.  We have also created our new featured project – the “Human Artists” photoblog – fully in line with our mission to inspire peace between communities and human beings around the world.

In these times of war and violence all over the world, in these times of rising tide of racism, xenophobia and intolerance wherever we go, let’s believe in a path to peace. We call you to believe in us and in our path. We call you to make an extraordinary difference and support Fenn Films.

Thank you so much!


SouFiane Fenn.

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